The Family

The Family
our boys

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Funny Adam conversations

This is the conversation I overheard one morning.  My 5 1/2 yr. old talking to his best buddy, Will (also 5 1/2) - "Hey, Will.  Do you know what your nuts are?  They are your testicles.  You know, those round things by your penis and when you squeeze them it hurts your stomach?  Those are your nuts!"  I found out later that he had asked Travis the night before what your “nuts” are.  And Adam came up with the hurting your stomach realization on his own!

We jokingly tell Adam that we don’t want him anymore and we are going to throw him in the trash can.  He’s comment to me one day when I said that to him, “Well, Mom, I’m going to throw you in the recycling bin and they are going to make something new out of you!”  I’m quite impressed at his understanding of recycling!

Adam has a lot of questions about God and Jesus (and LOTS of other things!).  He asked us once who God’s father was and I tried to explain that God didn’t have a mother or father, God was always here.  He must of not been satisfied with my answer because the next time we went to church, and he went up to the altar with the other kids to get his kids bulletin, he asked the priest the very same question!!  The priest announced this to the church and then gave him the answer – that God is the only person without a mother or father.

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